- Flus, G. Litster, A. Olechowski (2025). Presenting Hackathon Data for Design Research: A Transcript Dataset, ASME. J. Mech. Des. [link to paper]
- S. Ferguson, E. Van Velzen and A. Olechowski. (2024). Team and communication impacts of remote work for complex aerospace system development. Systems Engineering. 1-15. [link to paper]
- K. Cheng, and A. Olechowski. (2024). Analysis of Collaborative Assembly in Multi-User Computer-Aided Design. ASME. Journal of Mechanical Design. March 2024; 146(3): 031701. [link to paper]
- D. Roy, N. Calpin, K. Cheng, A. Olechowski, A. P. Argüelles, N. F. Soria Zurita, and J. Menold. (2024). Designing Together: Exploring Collaborative Dynamics of Multi-Objective Design Problems in Virtual Environments. ASME. Journal of Mechanical Design. March 2024; 146(3): 031702. [link to paper]
- Y. Deng, J. Chen, A. Olechowski. (2024). What Sets Proficient and Expert Users Apart? Results of a Computer-Aided Design Experiment. ASME. Journal of Mechanical Design. January 2024; 146(1): 011401. [link to paper]
- J. Menold, A. Olechowski, C. Lauff, K. Fu, J. Linsey, M. Yang, N. Soria Zurita, S. Miller. (2024). The Role of Design Artifacts in Design. Journal of Mechanical Design, 146(3). [link to paper]
- E. Lawrie, M. Flus, A. Olechowski, L. Hay, A. Wodehouse. (2024). From theory to practice: a roadmap for applying dual-process theory in design cognition research. Journal of Engineering Design, 1-21. [link to paper]
- S. A. Ferguson, G. Van de Zande, A. Olechowski. (2024). No Risk, No Reward: Towards An Automated Measure of Psychological Safety from Online Communication. Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-7). [link to paper]
- C. M. Asuzu, K. Cheng, A. Olechowski. (2024). The Personas of Cloud CAD Collaboration: A Case Study of a Team of CAD Professionals. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. [link to paper]
- J. Epp, T. Robert, O. Ruch, A .Olechowski. (2024). Transitioning towards SysML v2 as a variability modeling language. Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, 1-12. [link to paper]
- K. Cheng, S. Zhou, A. Olechowski. (2024). ” A Lot of Moving Parts”: A Case Study of Open-Source Hardware Design Collaboration in the Thingiverse Community. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2024. [link to paper]
- M. Naghshbandi, S. Ferguson, A. Olechowki. (2024). Social Capital and Persistence in Computer Science of Google’s Computer Science Summer Institute (CSSI) Students. 2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. [link to paper]
- Butt, E. DaMaren, A. Olechowski. (2024). Investigating Students’ Development of Computer-Aided Design Self-Efficacy: An Analysis of Pre-Course CAD Exposure, 2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. [link to paper]
- Epp, T. Robert, O. Ruch, and A. Olechowski. (2024). A Configuration Management Strategy for Modelbased Product Line Engineering in Aircraft Systems Development, INCOSE International Symposium. [link to paper]
- Vrolijk and A. Olechowski. (2024). Computer-aided design as a research instrument for engineering design: supporting multiple methods by observing artifacts, actors, and actions, Journal of Engineering Design. [link to paper]
- Zhang, K. Cheng, and A. Olechowski. (2024). Developing a CAD Archetype Framework Based on User Data, CAD’24. [link to paper]
- P.M. Khanolkar, J. Lu, A.Hurst, A. Olechowski. (2024). Assessing the Prevalence of Artificial Intelligence in Mechanical Engineering and Design Curricula. Proceedings of the ASME 2024 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. [link to paper]
- Attai, M. Flus, and A. Olechowski. (2024). Examining Conflict Patterns in Hackathon Teams: A Case Study. Design Computing and Cognition’24. [Link to paper]
- Zhang, K. Cheng, and A. Olechowski. (2024). Quantitative CAD Archetype Framework Evaluation With Professional User Data, Proceedings of the ASME 2024 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. [link to paper]
- A. Olechowski, Y. Deng, E. DaMaren, I. Verner, U. Rozen, M. Mueller. (2023). All’s not Fair in CAD: An Investigation of Equity of Contributions to Collaborative Cloud-based Design Projects. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, Vol. 20 (3), 574-583. [link to paper]
- S. Ferguson, A. Olechowski. (2023) Measuring Gendered Communication Patterns on Enterprise Communication Platforms. ACM Conference on Supporting Group Work, Poster, 2023. [link to paper]
- K. Cheng, M. Davis, X. Zhang, S. Zhou, and A. Olechowski. (2023). In the Age of Collaboration, the Computer-Aided Design Ecosystem is Behind: An Interview Study of Distributed CAD Practice. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 7, CSCW1, Article 137 (April 2023), 29 pages. [link to paper]
- M. Moghaddam, T. Marion, K. Holtta-Otto, K. Fu, A. Olechowski, C. McComb. (2023). Emerging Technologies and Methods for Early-Stage Product Design and Development. Journal of Mechanical Design, 145(4), 040301. [link to paper]
- M. Flus, S. Ferguson, & A. Olechowski. (2023). Let’s Take this Offline: A Thematic Analysis of Virtual Conflict in Hybrid Collaborative Design Teams. Proceedings of the Design Society, 3, 2435-2444. [link to paper]
- P. Khanolkar, A. Vrolijk, & A. Olechowski. (2023). A Case Study of the Decision-Making Behind the Automation of a Composites-Based Design Process. Proceedings of the Design Society, 3, 49-58. [link to paper]
- C. Asuzu, & A. Olechowski. (2023). Towards a Better Understanding of the Influence of Visual References on Consumer Aesthetic Perception. Proceedings of the Design Society, 3, 3571-3580. [link to paper]
- A. Vrolijk, Y. Deng, & A. Olechowski. (2023). Connecting Design Iterations to Performance in Engineering Design. Proceedings of the Design Society, 3, 1067-1076. [link to paper]
- K. Cheng, P. Cuvin, A. Olechowski, and S. Zhou. (2023). User Perspectives on Branching in Computer-Aided Design. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 7, CSCW2, 30 pages. [link to paper]
- P. M. Khanolkar, A. Vroljik, A. Olechowski. (2023). Mapping artificial intelligence-based methods to engineering design stages: a focused literature review. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing. 37:e25. [link to paper]
- K. Lai, T. Robert, D. Shindman, and A. Olechowski. (2023). MBFHA: A Framework for Model-Based Functional Hazard Assessment for Aircraft Systems. INCOSE International Symposium, 33: 431-447. [link to paper]
- J. Epp, T. Robert, O. Ruch and A. Olechowski. (2023). Towards SysML v2 as a Variability Modeling Language. 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion (MODELS-C), Västerås, Sweden, 2023, pp. 251-256. [link to paper]
- S. A. Ferguson and A. Olechowski. (2023). Are We Equal Online?: An Investigation of Gendered Language Patterns and Message Engagement on Enterprise Communication Platforms. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 7, CSCW2, Article 324 (October 2023). [link to paper]
- K. Mao, S. Ferguson, J. Magarian, and A. Olechowski. (2023). ” Just a little bit on the outside for the whole time”: Social belonging confidence and the persistence of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence students. 2023 Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education. [link to paper]
- E. DaMaren, and A. Olechowski. (2023). A Synthesis of Best Practices for Engineering Skill Self-Efficacy Measures: Towards Improved Evaluation of Computer-Aided Design Education. Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA). [link to paper]
- Y. Deng, M. Mueller, C. Rogers, A. Olechowski. The Multi-User Computer-Aided Design Collaborative Learning Framework. Adv Eng Informatics. 2022;51:101446. doi:10.1016/j.aei.2021.101446 [link to paper]
- S. Ferguson, K. Lai, J. Chen, S. Faidi, K. Leonardo, A. Olechowski. ‘Why couldn’t we do this more often?’: exploring the feasibility of virtual and distributed work in product design engineering. Research in Engineering Design, 2022. [link to paper]
- S. Ferguson, K. Cheng, L. Adolphe, G. Van de Zande, D. Wallace, and A. Olechowski. Communication patterns in engineering enterprise social networks: an exploratory analysis using short text topic modelling. Design Science, 8:e18, 2022 [link to paper]
- K. Leonardo, A. Olechowski. A Qualitative Analysis of Collaborative Computer-Aided Design Experiences to Inform Teaching. International Journal of Engineering Education, 38(1):67–80, 2022. [link to paper]
- Y. Deng, T. Marion, A. Olechowski. Does Synchronous Collaboration Improve Collaborative Computer-Aided Design Output: Results From a Large-Scale Competition. Proceedings of the ASME 2022 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Volume 6: 34th International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology (DTM). St. Louis, Missouri, USA. August 14–17, 2022. ASME. [link to paper]
- E. DaMaren, A. Olechowski. Evaluating Computer-Aided Design Software as a Barrier to Women’s Engagement in Engineering: A Focused Literature Review. 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Jun. 2022. [link to paper].
- S. Ferguson, K. Mao, J. Magarian, A. Olechowski. Advancing a Model of Students’ Intentional Persistence in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Jun. 2022. [link to paper].
- C. Ploeg, K. Lai, A. Olechowski. Prioritization of Best Practices in the Implementation of Model-Based Systems Engineering. International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) International Symposium 2022. [link to paper].
- P. Jian, J. Gu, and A. Olechowski. Connecting creative product design processes to creative product design outcomes: A scoping review, in Lockton, D., Lenzi, S., Hekkert, P., Oak, A., Sádaba, J., Lloyd, P. (eds.), DRS2022: Bilbao, 25 June – 3 July, Bilbao, Spain. [link to paper].
- M. Flus, A. Olechowski. A Focused Literature Review of Dual-Process Thinking to Inform the Study of Hackathons. In: Gero, J.S. (eds) Design Computing and Cognition’22. DCC 2022. Springer, Cham. [link to paper]
- S. Ferguson, K. Mao, J. Magarian, and A. Olechowski. Advancing a Model of Students’ Intentional Persistence in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. [link to paper]
- Phadnis, V., Arshad, H., Wallace, D., and Olechowski, A. “Are Two Heads Better Than One for Computer-Aided Design?.” ASME. J. Mech. Des. July 2021; 143(7): 071401. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4050734
- Zhou, J., Phadnis, V., and Olechowski, A. “Analysis of Designer Emotions in Collaborative and Traditional Computer-Aided Design.” ASME. J. Mech. Des. February 2021; 143(2): 021401. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4047685
- K. Lai, T. Robert, D. Shindman, and A. Olechowski, “Integration of Safety Analysis into Model-Based Systems Engineering for Aircraft Systems,” International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) International Symposium 2021 [link to paper]. *awarded best student paper*
- E. Van Velzen and A. Olechowski “Investigation of Remote Work for Aerospace Systems Engineers,” International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) International Symposium 2021 [link to paper].
- T. Marion, A. Olechowski and J. Guo, “An Analytical Framework for Collaborative Cloud-based CAD Platform Affordances,” accepted to International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED) 2021 [link to paper].
- P. Khanolkar, M. Gad, J. Liao, A. Hurst and A. Olechowski, “Sustaining and fostering design cognition through engineering design education in the age of artificial intelligence” accepted to Annual Conference of the Canadian Engineering Education Association 2021 [link to paper].
- K. Cheng, A. Olechowski “Some (Team) Assembly Required: Analysis of Collaborative Computer-Aided Design Assembly,” ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, 2021.
- K. Leonardo, A. Olechowski “Identifying Computer-Aided Design Action Types From ProfessionalUser Analytics Data,” ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, 2021.
- A. L. Olechowski, S. D. Eppinger, N. Joglekar, and K. Tomaschek, “Technology readiness levels: Shortcomings and improvement opportunities. Systems Engineering. 2020; 23: 395– 408. [link to paper]
- Vrushank S. Phadnis, David R. Wallace and Alison Olechowski “A Multimodal Experimental Approach to Study CAD Collaboration,” Computer-Aided Design and Applications, vol. 18 num. 2, doi: 10.14733/cadaps.2021.328-342 [link to paper]
- S. Faidi, A. Olechowski, “Identifying gaps in automating the assessment of technology readiness levels,” Design2020 Conference [download paper].
- H. Arshad, V. Phadnis, A. Olechowski “Paired Computer-Aided Design: The Effect of Collaboration Mode on Differences in Model Quality,” ASME IDETC/CIE 2020 [download paper]
- K. Ren, A. Olechowski, “Gendered Professional Role Confidence and Persistence of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Students,”2020 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition [download paper]. *awarded Women in Engineering Division Best Paper Award*
- L. Adolphe, G. Van de Zande, D. Wallace, A. Olechowski “Analysis of Virtual Communication Within Engineering Design Teams and Its Impact on Team Effectiveness,” ASME IDETC/CIE 2020 [download paper].
- A. Nourimand, A. Olechowski “Prominence of Conceptual Design with Computer-Aided Design Tools for Junior and Senior Product Designers,” 2020 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition [download paper].
- M. Vella, V. Phadnis, A. Olechowski “Patterns of Silence and Communication Between Paired Designers in Collaborative Computer-Aided Design,” Design Computing and Cognition ’20.
- K. Leonardo, A. Olechowski “A Qualitative Analysis of Collaborative Computer-Aided DesignExperiences to Inform Teaching and Curriculum,” Canadian Design Workshop 2020.
- J. Zhou, V. Phadnis, and A. Olechowski, “Analysis of Designer Emotions in Collaborative and Traditional Computer-Aided Design,” in ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conferences, 2019. [download paper]
- V. Phadnis, K. Leonardo, D. Wallace, and A. Olechowski, “An Exploratory Study Comparing CAD Tools and Working Styles for Implementing Design Changes,” in ICED19 22nd International Conference on Engineering Design, 2019. [download paper]
- J. Chen, G. Zucco, and A. Olechowski, “A survey of design reviews: Understanding differences by designer-roles and phase of development,” in ICED19 22nd International Conference on Engineering Design, 2019. [download paper]
- J. N. Magarian and A. L. Olechowski, “Engineering Students and Group Membership: Patterns of Variation in Leadership Confidence and Risk Orientation,” in 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2018. [download paper] *awarded Leadership Development division Best Paper Award*
- C. Rottman, D. Reeve, M. Klassen, S. Kovalchuk, Q. Liu, A. Olechowski, M. Santia, “Examining the Engineering Leadership Literature : Community of Practice Style,” in 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2018. [download paper]
- A. Olechowski, S. Eppinger, and N. Joglekar, “Assessment of Back-Up Plan, Delay, and Waiver Options at Project Gate Reviews,” in Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED17), 2017, vol. 2: Design, pp. 317–326. [download paper]
- T. Garg, S. Eppinger, N. Joglekar, and A. Olechowski, “Using TRLs and System Architecture to Estimate Technology Integration Risk,” in Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED17), 2017, vol. 3: Product, pp. 301–310. [download paper]
- Olechowski, A., Oehmen, J., Seering, W., & Ben-daya, M. (2016). The professionalization of risk management: What role can the ISO 31000 risk management principles play? International Journal of Project Management, 34(8), 1568–1578. [download paper]
- Tomaschek, K., Olechowski, A., Eppinger, S.D., Joglekar, N. (2016). “A Survey of Technology Readiness Level Users.” 26th Annual INCOSE International Symposium, Edinburgh, Scotland. [download paper]
- Olechowski, A., Eppinger, S. D., Joglekar, N. R. (2015). “Technology Readiness Levels at 40: a study of state-of-the-art use, challenges, and opportunities.” PICMET Conference 2015, Portland OR. [download paper]
- Shaffer, R.; Olechowski, A.; Seering, W. P.; Ben-Daya, M., “Characteristics and Enablers of Transparency in Product Development Risk Management,” International Conference on Engineering Design, 2015, Milan, Italy. [download paper]
- Steven D. Eppinger, Nitin R. Joglekar, Alison Olechowski and Terence Teo (2014). Improving the systems engineering process with multilevel analysis of interactions. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 28, pp 323-337. [download paper]
- Jianxi Luo, Alison L. Olechowski, Christopher L. Magee, Technology-based design and sustainable economic growth, Technovation, Volume 34, Issue 11, November 2014, Pages 663-677, ISSN 0166-4972. [download paper]
- Josef Oehmen, Alison Olechowski, C. Robert Kenley, Mohamed Ben-Daya, Analysis of the effect of risk management practices on the performance of new product development programs, Technovation, Volume 34, Issue 8, August 2014, Pages 441-453, ISSN 0166-4972. [download paper]
- Eppinger, Steven D., Joglekar, Nitin R., Olechowski, Alison, Teo, Terence, “Improving the Systems Engineering Process with Multi-Domain Mapping.” Proceedings of the 15th International DSM Conference, 2013, Melbourne, Australia.
- Olechowski, A., Oehmen, J., Seering, W., Ben-Daya, M., ”Characteristics of Successful Risk Management in Product Design.” Proceedings of the 12th International Design Conference DESIGN 2012, 2012, Dubrovnik, Croatia. [download paper]
- J. Ankrum, A. Olechowski, J. Canseco, E. Greenblatt, M. Roberts, N. Hanumara, A. Slocum, “Nasogastric Tube Design to Reduce Clogging and Simplify Flushing.” 10th ASME Design of Medical Devices Conference, 2011, Minneapolis, DMD2011-5226. [download paper]